• This text governs the conditions of use, access and use of this website, as well as all its subdomains.  

    The use, access and use of this website will automatically grant you the status of user and will imply the express and unreserved acceptance of the terms set forth in the entire length of the legal notice, having the same validity and effectiveness as any nature contract. private. Therefore, you have read and expressly accept all the obligations derived from these lines. If you contract, you must leave the website and not make use of its functionalities.  

    The present dispositions will keep all their effects and will not suppose a resignation although the people in charge of this web page did not make an exercise of the same, in the sense of reserving the right to do or not to do. If any of the extremes turns out to be contrary to law, totally or partially, those responsible commit themselves to its correction, not affecting in any case the measures that are in accordance with law.  

    For these purposes, those responsible inform the user that they may make any breach of the legal notice available to the competent authorities, if they consider it appropriate.  

    In compliance with the duty of information contained in Spanish and European legislation, Javier Sánchez Sánchez and Javier Sánchez Moro are responsible for this website.

    Javier Sánchez Sánchez is a lawyer at the Illustrious Bar of Madrid with a collegiate number 45.828 and his address for notification purposes is José Ortega y Gasset st., 34-1ºB, 28006, Madrid, Spain. Likewise, the user may contact by e-mail at, or by phone at +34 91 578 33 91. If you want to know other information, please request it by any of the authorized means.  

    Javier Sánchez Moro is a lawyer at the Illustrious Bar of Alcalá de Henares with a collegiate number 4938 and his address for notification purposes is the same as the one mentioned above. It is also available to the user at his email, or by phone at +34 91 578 33 91. In the same sense as the previous paragraph, if you want to know additional information, please contact us.  

    The purpose of the legal notice is to inform the user of their rights and obligations regarding the contents of this website. Those responsible reserve the right to make changes when they consider appropriate, deleting or adding content, among other changes, therefore, the user is recommended to read the legal notice. Those responsible for the website may prosecute the user for committing acts —in relation to this website— of an illegal nature, which contradicts the legal notice, or any other activity contrary to the legal system and in good faith, being able to exercise those responsible all the actions that correspond to them in law, without prejudice to those that could also assist the user. Likewise, those responsible reserve the right to withdraw any information contrary to the law and, especially, that which violates the respect of fundamental rights.

    In terms of intellectual property, the website could provide access to information whose owners are responsible for the website, as well as the content of third parties that have granted them a license to use. The access of the user does not grant them in any case intellectual property rights, whether the content is displayed here, in a subdomain or on the website of a third party. Based on the foregoing, the user undertakes to act with respect for intellectual property rights, and the viewing, printing, copying or storage of content is only allowed when it is solely and exclusively for strictly personal and private use, at all times albur of intellectual property regulations. The user is not entitled to use any of the contents of this website for commercial purposes. If the user considers that an intellectual property right is being violated, please notify us as soon as possible.

    In relation to the exclusion of guarantees and responsibility, the user will use the website under his sole responsibility, not attributing fault to those responsible for a possible malfunction of this web address, whatever its nature, especially when the fact was inevitable, fortuitous or cause of force majeure. Those responsible reserve the right to deny or withdraw access to this website without prior notice, at their own request or by a third party founded in law, to those users who fail to comply with the provisions of the legal notice.  

    In the event that links to other websites are included on the website, the good faith of Javier Sánchez Sánchez and Javier Sánchez Moro is presumed, who will carry out a periodic control but cannot guarantee the legitimacy of the content exposed by third parties or damages that this could cause the user and, therefore, those responsible for this website will not assume any responsibility. The foregoing also applies to links located on social networks, which may be managed by third parties and beyond the control of the administrators of this website.

    The legal relationships between Javier Sánchez Sánchez, Javier Sánchez Moro and the user will be governed by the applicable legislation in force and the latter waives his jurisdiction if it exists, submitting all disputes and claims arising from this legal notice, to the courts and courts of the capital of Spain, Madrid.

  • This website uses cookies. Cookies are small files that web pages can use to make the user's experience more efficient while browsing. The only cookies we store are those strictly necessary for the operation of the page. Although we have disabled most of the analytical cookies of the platform on which this website is hosted, exceptionally cookies have been enabled that escape our control and configuration capacity. 

    Neccesary cookies

    CookieConsent: its provider is Cookiebot and stores the user's cookie consent status for the current domain. It has an expiry date of 1 year and is of the HTTP Cookie type.

    Crumb: its provider is and ensures safe navigation for the visitor by preventing cross site request forgery (CSRF). It is an essential cookie for the security of the website and the visitor. Its expiration is of session and it is of the HTTP Cookie type.

    Test: its provider is and is used to detect whether the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary to comply with the RGPD. Its expiration is persistent and is of the type HTML Local Storage.

    Statistic cookies

    Ss_cvisit: its provider is and contains information about the visit. It collects data such as time spent on the website and interaction with it. Its expiration date is 1 day and it is of the HTML Cookie type.

    Marketing cookies:

    Ss_cid: its provider is and collects data from visitors. This information is used to divide visitors into segments, making the website advertising more efficient. Its expiration date is 2 years and it is of the HTTP Cookie type.

    Ss_cpvisit y ss_cvr: its provider is and collects data from visitors. This information is used to divide visitors into segments, making the website advertising more efficient. Its expiration date is 2 years and it is of the HTTP Cookie type.

    Ss_cvr: its provider is and collects data from visitors. This information is used to divide visitors into segments, making the website advertising more efficient. Its expiration date is 1 day and it is of the HTTP Cookie type.

    In any case, you can configure the cookies by following the instructions of your browser in the links below. If you have any objections, you can leave our website or contact us and we will try to help you.




    Internet Explorer:

    Microsoft Edge:

    Our website's cookie policy may be updated, so we recommend that you review this policy whenever you access our website, simply so that you are well informed about how and what we use cookies for, in all cases in strict compliance with your data protection.

  • In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), this privacy policy is drawn up.  

    The purpose of this policy is to protect individual rights in relation to the processing of personal data and with the intention of being transparent with the user. For this, the set of treatments, the purposes pursued, their legitimacy and the instruments available to the user to assert their rights are collected. You can consult information on the protection of personal data at the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD).

    Your data is collected by Javier Sánchez Sánchez and Javier Sánchez Moro, whose identifying and contact details are already included in the legal notice, both acting under the commercial name "Sánchez Moro Abogados".  

    The data of a commercial relationship will be collected and in general will be your name and surname/company name, ID, postal address, email and messages received through email, contact form or WhatsApp. Likewise, the data related to the matter entrusted to this firm will be stored. Data obtained through cookies, professional data, economic data or means of payment may also be stored. Exceptionally, especially in cases of job application, your curriculum vitae.

    The user consents that the data he has provided is necessary to carry out the correct provision of the service and maintain the professional relationship. Likewise, it guarantees that everything provided is correct and lawful, the user being responsible for any eventuality that may arise from the inaccuracy of what is provided to those responsible for this website. The user is therefore responsible for false or inaccurate information, damage, inconvenience and problems that could cause Javier Sánchez Sánchez and Javier Sánchez Moro.  

    If the user provides information from third parties it will be under his express responsibility, understanding Javier Sánchez Sánchez and Javier Sánchez Moro that he has the prior consent of the aforementioned third party / s and that he has transferred the terms of this privacy policy, without prejudice to reserving the responsible the right to investigate this or another end of the exposed previously.

    User data will be processed manually or automatically, depending on how it has been provided by the user and / or collected by those responsible. The hiring of the professional services of this firm will be sufficient reason to legitimize the treatment of your data, which will be used to prepare a customer profile and adequately provide the legal services entrusted to it, during the time it lasts and later during the mandatory time. established in special laws. Additionally, commercial communications may be sent and its content will be worked on so that it is of interest to the user. The storage of your data is also justified to comply with the different provisions of the regulations on data protection. If any of the purposes has not been identified, in accordance with common sense, it will be framed within the provision of services, and that in any case addresses the impossibility of considering all possible assumptions.

    The stored data may be communicated to third parties related to the firm to carry out the necessary tasks in the management of your case, for example, public authorities, public administrations, professionals of the Administration of Justice, courts or tribunals, prosecutors or experts, among others. If it is necessary to make a transfer of personal data to subjects that support a different legislation than the European one, not guaranteeing comparable levels of protection, it will be done only with the consent of the user and with the greatest possible diligence.

    Your data will be stored in the safest possible way and applying measures in accordance with the applicable regulations, proportionality principle, science and technical existing. It will be carried out in order to prevent access or improper use of your data, as well as its manipulation, deterioration or loss. However, the user must bear in mind that the security of computer systems is never absolute. If the user has voluntarily published personal information that may be exposed through the website, the owners of this website will not be responsible for the consequences of such acts. On physical media, your data is stored in furniture protected by a key and inside a building with an alarm. On digital media they are stored in an office management software that meets the requirements regarding the protection of personal data. If your data is stored by a service provider and it is located outside the European Union, the responsible parties undertake to ensure the security of your data, but in accordance with the principle of proportionality again.

    The user is informed that he has the right to revoke the consent granted, access his personal data, rectify it, request its deletion, portability or opposition. If any of the rights contained in the rule have been omitted, those responsible for the treatment and this website offer their firm commitment to its correction. Please send us your requests to, however, if the user considers it, they will have the right to contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) if they understand that any of their rights has been violated.